January 20, 2025

Mission & Vission


Visually Impaired Veterans Association pioneered the construction of new laws by following the related legal developments. The volunteers giving psychological support by rehabilitating recently wounded and impaired colleagues, bringing them together and keeping them alive, performing social activities, preventing our veterans from feeling lonely. Therefore by  providing various scholarships for the veteran children who need them and by carrying out various useful model projects the group is bringing voices together. With the help of young people and organizing activities for the people of the world especially the veterans and their families and bringing together the new generation with the importance of world peace, national conscious knowledge, flag and homeland love universal peace building is expected.


1- Visually Impaired Veterans Association; The Republic of Turkey stated in Article 2 of the Turkish Constitution that “the Republic of Turkey is a democratic, secular and social state of law, respectful of human rights, respectful of Atatürk nationalism, with a strong sense of peace, national solidarity and justice.” In order to contribute to the world peace, to prevent terrorism as well as its various organs the veterans and their families sacrificed their precious lives.

2. Our association, which aims to have the veterans more involvement in social life, to engage in cultural interactions, to resume their lives independently and freely without any need for help. Therefore, to be strong in the economic direction, and to engage in activities that promote social relations such as theater, music and sports; we want to be on the path of becoming a civil society organization that is reliable and continuously producing projects on this path. We have a go-between management team and our project partners whom we have made business associations with; with a confident and stable march, they move one step further every day, spreading their work to the world and interacting with all the people of the world and the groups of the disabled to increase their cooperation and work towards development.

3- Our aim is to contribute to the fusion of world cultures by adapting in the social life of veterans and disabled groups.

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